Friday, 14 June 2019

Callaghan's Ridge

On 11th of April room 1+8, Ms Kemp, Mrs Truman and some parents went to Callaghan's Ridge
for a day tramp. The first thing we did in the morning ws a check for raincoats and beanies.
After that we got into the cars groups in my car group was Hannah, Nathan.K, Korban and the
driver was Nathan and Hannah’s dad Wayne.

When we first got there we had to wait for a while because the parents had to drop there cars
at the end of the track and then walk back. While we waited we found some of the items on
the scavenger hunt list. For the scavenger hunt we were in groups my group was Korban and
Wairini. The items we found were Lancewood (Horoeka), Crown Fern, Fantail (Piwakawaka),
Sandfly (Te Ngamu), Bracket Fungi, Bellbird (Koromoko), Button Fern, Kidney Fern, Mountain
Beech Tree, Hochsteller Entoloma and Tomtit (Miromiro).

When we got to about half way we found a good place to stop and build our bivy and have
lunch. In my group was Clem, Billy, Jack, Brighid and me our adult with us was Lee Clem’s
Dad. How we built our bivy was we had a tarpaulin and rope we put the rope through the
holes in the tarpaulin and then tied it to the 4 closest trees to us. After lunch we packed up
the rope and the tarpaulin then started walking again. As we were near the end I started
slipping a lot and getting really tired. When we finally got to the end I felt so happy because
Callaghan’s Ridge was only my 3rd tramp and I had finished it.

After the tramp we got back into a group talk about how well we did, then got back into our
car groups and went back to school and by then the bell rang and we went home. In conclusion,
I would definitely go back and do Callaghan’s Ridge again because it was fun and I enjoyed
getting outdoors. Next time if I ever went I would want to go on a sunny day instead of a rainy

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