Wednesday, 16 September 2020

What Now

 What Now

At 5:45 on Sunday morning I was being woken up by my dad because I was going to be on the What Now Show at Shantytown. I was really excited to play games and get foamed on the show. My brother and I were getting picked up by Amanda Hannahs mum and we were also taking Mylah. They wouldn’t let anyone in the gates before 7:00am and after 7:15am. 

Once we were in we waited at the train station for the What Now crew. When Erin (A Presenter) and her crew Morgan (A director), Matt (A cameraman) and another Matt ( Who did props) came to the train station they introduced themselves and told us about what was going to happen that day. The first thing we did was go on the train and Erin introduced on TV that she was in Shantytown with students from Karoro school. 

We finished that and had only a few minutes to get to where we were going to live next. Everytime we finished a cut Erin would get into a different dress. Then she asked Billie W, Olive, Indi and Seth what they liked about the West Coast and we sang happy birthday to Lily because it was her birthday. The crew chose 5 students to play Say It Don’t Spray It outside the fire station. 

Say It Don’t Spray It is a tongue twister game and if you don’t say the tongue twister properly you get foamed. The people that were chosen were Emma, Jordyn, Mea, Lucy and Zade. Jordyn was out first then Lucy, then Zade and then Mea. Emma won the game and won bottles of gunge and a ball but she still got foamed. It was really funny watching people get foamed.

Next we went gold panning. I didn’t get any gold but Jack T and a few other people did and they were allowed to keep it. Morgan told us to go to the movie theater next and we had to do some acting. He told us to go in really excited and then come out disappointed and angry. We didn’t see it but they played a movie with really bad acting that they made the day before.

Now it was the part everyone was waiting for apart from Mrs Newton, it was time for her to get gunged. Erin asked her questions that were about Māori words. When she got a question correct we got foamed but when she got one wrong we got to throw a ball at a target and it hopefully hit and the gunge will fall on her. Mrs Newton got the first three questions correct and then she got one wrong and Ilish hit the target and Mrs Newton got gunged. 

The last part was the funnest Erin foamed everyone and there was foam everywhere, people were rolling on the ground in the foam making foam angles. While the kids were having fun with the foam the adults and teachers that were there were busy getting the bags out of the church so we didn’t make a mess.

I thought that being on the What Now show was super fun but I wish that there were more games so that more people could join in and be on camera more.

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